Verlies, Veerkracht, Voldoening

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Grief Skills Marrit van Exel. cover front

How do you do that?

An eBook Full of Tips and Tools for Your Grieving Process

Packed with tools and tips

Little theory and many tools and tips that you can apply immediately.

Read per chapter

Only tackle the chapter you need right now.

Increase your resilience

Skills that you can use well in the rest of your life.

How Do I Grieve Well?

You’ve lost someone dear to you and are in deep grief. You’re filled with questions about your grieving process. How do you navigate through this as effectively as possible? Because you want to regain control over yourself, your emotions, and your daily life.



Grief Brings Uncertainty

Grief and the grieving process are something you’ve never experienced before. And something you haven’t been taught. Doubts and uncertainty during your grieving process are understandable yet unnecessary.

How do you deal with grief?

Many books have been written about what grief is. But then the question often remained: And now what? What should I do now to navigate the grieving process well?

In ‘Grief Skills,’ I’ve focused on the specific challenges you may encounter when dealing with loss. This book goes beyond just understanding grief.

You can now stop trying to figure everything out on your own, doubting, and feeling uncertain.

You’ll be provided with practical skills, tips, and tools to endure the grieving period as effectively as possible.

Grief Skills: Packed with tips and tools
ready to be applied immediately

What Do Grief Experts Say?

"When you lose someone in life, you struggle not only with your feelings but also with all the practical things that come with loss. Marrit knows this from experience and offers with this book a great help for mourners. A book that serves as an anchor for people who have somewhat lost their course due to loss."
Dr. Riet Fiddelaers-Jaspers
Loss, Grief, and Trauma Specialist Expertise Center Dealing with Loss
"Learning to love is done with ups and downs. Learning to grieve involves a lot of falling down, and yet getting up again. Sometimes you need some help, from your surroundings or from professionals. In this book, you get the help on how to get back up after falling. Theory and practice come together skillfully. It proves that grief is no more or less than infinite love."
Tim Overdiek
Therapeutic Coach and Author of 'When the Man Loses'

Widow and Mother Who Has Lost a Child

As a widow, a mother who has lost a child, a fellow sufferer, coach, trainer, and author of “Survival Guide for Widows,” I know how painful, difficult, and complex the grieving process is and the full impact that loss has on every aspect of our lives.

In the book ‘Grief Skills,’ I help you how to deal with the specific challenges you encounter when dealing with loss. With your grieving process.

This book gives you the skills you’ve partly already learned and partly haven’t learned yet on how to deal with your loss. Practical tools and tips that you can apply immediately.

Everything you learn now will also be of great help to you for the rest of your life. Because we will all continue to experience both big and small setbacks.

After reading ‘Grief Skills,’ you’ll know how to face these challenges with more confidence and resilience.

You can give your life more shine again and enjoy it more. So that the rest of your life is still worth it.

What Do Grief Experts Say?

"What a pleasant and handy book this is. I recommend this book wholeheartedly to anyone who is dealing with grief and is looking for guidance. Grief not only asks you to learn to deal with the loss, it also challenges you to reinvent yourself. In this book, Marrit offers a very concrete hand to anyone dealing with loss. She shows you on how many levels you can take control of your grief and how you can feel and experience again that there is room for a happy and meaningful life through the loss. Practical, readable, handy, and very concrete."
Arianne Wennekes
"Grief skills; you might need them. How do you survive a disrupting fate you didn't ask for and how do you pick up life again? With many practical tips and wise advice, Marrit takes you by the hand and walks a bit with you in the land of CHAOS. It invites you to reflect on what you've lost, but also encourages you to work on yourself. It's the support you'd want to give to everyone who has lost a father, mother, child, partner, brother, or sister."
Dorien Verloop
Psychologist and Author of 'Not Alone in the World',
"When you have to deal with a great loss, besides the sadness, a lot comes your way. You can learn to grieve, learn how the loss goes with you, and yet you can still find pleasure in life. 'Grief Skills' helps you in a practical way through the various stages of grief. With this book, you'll recognize what you're struggling with, understand better how to regain control of your life, and invites you to experience more happiness in life. A real must-read for anyone dealing with grief."
Monique Groenenboom
Coach and Author of 'From Logic to Happiness',
"Grief Skills' has a clear and understandable model as its foundation, is written in a very readable manner, and is practically structured. It provides support in all areas of your life where you need tips and assistance after the loss of a loved one."
Lotte van Aerle
Professional Organizer,

You're faced with an enormous life event. An occurrence in your life for which you're probably not prepared.


There are certain skills you can apply that are helpful and supportive to the grieving process and the impact of loss on you as an individual and your daily life.


It makes a big difference if you master those skills. These are skills that come in handy anywhere and anytime, even in your future life.


However, you may not have learned these skills from your upbringing, your education, and/or your working life. Or you may already possess these skills, but they have temporarily taken a back seat.


With this book, you'll refresh or learn those skills that help you cope with the broad impact of loss in your life.

Many books have been written about grief and the grieving process. Beautiful books about experiences with loss or the background and theory of grief.


What is grief? What does grief do? Why does grief never go away?


What I then miss is: And what NOW? What can I do NOW in this situation? What should I do NOW or not do?


From that perspective, the book Grief Skills was born. Concrete tips and tools that you can apply immediately. Certain skills that help you during your grieving process AND the rest of your life.


You can think of:

  • Planning and organizing
  • Logical thinking
  • Dealing with emotions, including mindfulness
  • Thoughts and beliefs
  • Self-confidence
  • Communication
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Seeking contact with fellow sufferers
  • And much more

If you've read the book Grief Skills, then you know:

  • How to deal with various difficult situations.
  • How to regain more control and peace for yourself and your daily life.
  • How to look to your future with more confidence in yourself.

Because grieving, living on, and enjoying life again exist alongside each other.

The book Grief Skills is primarily practical. It's a great complement to the book Survival Guide for Widows. "Survivalguide for Widows" is now only available in Dutch. 

Both books are structured according to the Grief CHAOS model.

Before I wrote Survival Guide for Widows, I conducted research among widows. It became apparent that there was a huge need for a framework in the form of a step-by-step plan. Although the grieving process doesn't necessarily follow a fixed pattern and you may fluctuate in emotions and experiences, when you really zoom out, many people do discover a similar process.



  • an initial survival period, during which you have to Confront the situation and potentially seek Help,
  • learning to accept, resign, and come to Acceptance that this is now your life and you have to deal with it,
  • and ultimately being able to think about your future again and how you want to Build the rest of your life and take Control of it yourself.


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